My Journal

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All bout me
This blog is mainly used for a english asignment that most likely will be deleted after it is completed.
** this blog shall stay for memories =] Please, Im saying "please", do not spam since i kindly brought my CBox from my own blog so no spamming please.
Constructive Spamming is welcomed though!

designer: stupidxxidiot
basecodes: detonatedlove♥

January 2009


Music Playlist at

8:49 PM, Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well, these are the photos that I managed to upload.
since my computer is currently going bonkers, I guess I should upload only these photos.
The gfirst two photos are actually one of our reunion dinner which was held at the Punggoll Seafood restaurant.
It is quite a famous restaurant for their delicious food, especially their Mee Goreng.
Anyway, wen tthere with my uncle,grandma and the rest of the family.
the third photo is actually one of the photos that I took at the "sentosa flowers 2009".
Well, there are more, but as I said before, my computer is currently "under Mantainance" so I believe I should satisfied with these few photos uploaded.
Tomorrow would be the deadline, and I believe this would be the last post on this blog.
However, I believe I won't delete it, I would just place it as a link to my blog as a memento of this english blog assignment.
On this high note, I bade all, Goodbye!

3:46 PM, Monday, January 26, 2009

It’s officially the first day of Chinese new year.
Well, my family started off with going to the temple.
It sure was smoky there and I nearly got burned, again.
Well, after that, we went off to my uncle’s house, located at serangoon.
Went there for a steamboat lunch after which we sat down to have a chat.
We left shortly after, and went to my…grand aunt’s house?
Well, I’m not really sure how we are related, but we are related and that covers it.
Played with the dog, Wendy.
She was the first dog I ever touched, as in the first time I touched a dog, it was the time when I touched her several years ago.
There were quite a large number of people there, a total of three generations.
Pretty amazing to me.

Had a chat with them well not exactly since I was playing with the dog.
Anyway, went off, this time back to my own house, So as to get ready for my relatives who are coming to my house today.
Wow, its now that I realize that there are four generations in my house.
That is, if it includes my relatives
Anyway, I’m typing this post in the middle of the time when they are here.
I do not know why, but I don’t seem to enjoy it at all, unlike both my sisters.
I just can’t feel any mood at all.
Well, I guess I should just go and play a game of cards or play my games in my PSP till I got the mood.
Bye until next time, and a Happy Chinese New Year to all!

8:20 PM, Sunday, January 25, 2009

It is the official Lunar New Year Eve today.
It sure is the start of a celebration for those who celebrate Chinese New Year.
Well, nothing much today, asides from some last minute clearing up.
As it approaches 5pm, my family got ready as we were leaving for a seafood restaurant for a reunion dinner.
I’m not very sure it’s this day which people celebrate their reunion diner but oh well.
Anyway, made our way down to the Punggol seafood restaurant located at Punggol Jetty.
Yatches can be seen parked there, some old some new.
Well, went to pick up my uncle at the MRT before that and we took some photos for my grandma.
Soon, the restaurant was ready so we went in and sat down.
Well, it isn’t really more of a restaurant since we were sitting at the outside area instead but I guess no one really cares.
Anyway, had dishes such as pepper crab, steamed sea bass, boiled prawn, chicken etc.
Oh and the traditional ‘Lohei’ which is actually a mixture of different stuff such as crackers, salmon, plum sauce etc.
Well, it was quite weird that they were rushing all the dishes out at once though we were allocated a 2hr and a half slot.
We soon found out as more and more people started piling up.
Good thing we had a reservation, but I think only people with reservation are allowed in since the place is jammed packed.
Their Mee Goreng, fried noodles used to taste great with that spicy taste, but today’s Mee Goreng quality seriously dropped.
Oh well, it was quite tasty.
Well, with their typical rushing at us we decided to leave earlier instead.
Before desert was served, my sister and me took off, as they wanted to take some pictures too.
Anyway, took some but on the way back, we saw this arcade.
Well, it isn’t much of a arcade, since there were only a few machines available.
Saw a staircase so we went up.
Quite a interesting little room, so took some photos for my sisters.
Went off shortly since my dad was calling us back.
Finished the desert and went back to the car, driving home after sending my uncle back to a bus stop.I’m sure going to gain weight after this, but oh well, a reunion dinner comes only once a year, so what’s the big deal?

8:44 PM, Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!
Its New Year again and I would like to wish everyone reading this post a very Happy Lunar New Year!
It was quite saddening when we found out that we did not win the Chinese New Year decor competition, but at least we tried our best. As what most people would say, “Failure is a step closer to success”
It sure was fun decorating the class though.
Anyway, we had the CNY concert today.
Since I am in Chinese Orchestra, I had to perform for the school along with the others.
Jeremy, Russell, Jonah and Justin were also involved.
We got a special privilege to go for recess at 9 since we had to practice.
We “coincidentally” saw some of our seniors and went over for some casual chatting.
Before leaving for the CO room, we went around spreading new ear greetings to anyone we can see.
The looks on most of their face were somewhat shocked so we stopped.
Went down to the hall to get ready.
Finally, another time when the air condition is turned on.
That is because we had some special folks coming over, though i do not know who.
Anyway played both songs without making much o a mistake.
After which, we all had to leave our instruments at the Chinese Orchestra room and return back down to sing(?)
The singing part of the concert did not go well at all.
Since most of us did not know how to sing, practically everyone started speaking gibberish.
Everyone on stage was laughing but i bet the students below the stage could not understand what the joke is about, tipped from their queer faces when they saw all of us laughing like madmen
Overall, it sure is one of the most fun Chinese New Year celebration i ever went through.
Rushed to put on our class tees and take a photo at the school pond.
After that, everyone was dismissed and everyone scattered at a blink of an eye.
Not for me and a few others since we were still playing with the instruments.
Anyway, went back to my primary school to hopefully, find our teachers.
Sadly, we could not find much but we only found a handful of them, which were all preparing to leave.
Left the school and went to my friend’s house since he wanted me to teach him how to play a instrument as he was going to change his CCA from band to Chinese orchestra.
Reached home at about 6 + and here i am blogging.
Anyway, got to stop now for dinner.
So that would be all for now, and at this high note, i would like to wish everybody a

4:46 PM, Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chinese orchestra practice ended late today.
Well, it didn’t really end late; it’s just that my section had to stay back for more practice.
Its not that we don’t play well enough, okay maybe that’s partly the reason but their main reason was to teach us “tai feng”, in English, just moving with the music while we play.

Combined practice ended at 12 pm, all the other members went home except for some.
My section had to stay back as mentioned earlier.
We were finally released at 3 pm.
That would be six hours straight of practice.
Take that those who say we Chinese orchestra members are slackers.

Anyway, had quite a number of tasks to complete so I decided to go home instead.
Actually, my mother wanted to bring me out to buy some pants for me.
But as I said, time constraint so I decided not to go.

Today’s bus came fairly quickly, but the driver; gosh I do not know what to say about him.
Can I describe him as reckless?
He swerves and brakes without warning, travel at speeds he should not be traveling at and he sure has a way of braking when everyone is unprepared.
Well, finally got off at little India station as usual.
Took the train back to Punggol.

Reached the lrt in time and took it back.
On the route, I saw this approximately 9-year-old Dutch girl in the lrt.
Wow, her hair sure was long, it was up to her waist.
In contrast, her dad was bald.

Anyway, I believe I should stop here now, counting the fact that there are still projects to be done.

10:38 PM, Thursday, January 15, 2009

It is about 10 pm now and I should have been sleeping already.
Its counted kind of early but well I got to wake up at 5 AM + so it isn’t that early,
Since I’m the type of people that needs a lot of sleep.
So I believe I should try to make this snappy and get it done over with.
I started the day with math.
Appears that we do not have any test today after all.
Well I guess I must have heard wrongly.
Then it was geography.
Nothing much in that lesson, although I do admit that I feel very bored in that class.
And to think that I actually used to love geography.
After that was recess.
Had to bring the forms to Mrs. Lim but could not find her anywhere.
So decided to go for recess then.
Returned from recess.
It was time for English lesson.
Mr Maran didn’t come for class.
At first everyone was “quietly” waiting.
Then hell broke loose.
Well, at least I managed to complete reading the whole book of Macbeth during the spare time since there was no English lesson after all.
Though I started on chemistry but it was too late, so I only managed to do half a page.
The last lesson of the day, literature.
We had a test on that today.
Good thing I remembered to do some research on the topic.
Well, the word limit was 200, I hate word limits, and somehow, I managed to hit 00 on the dot.

Had to go for Chinese orchestra practice today
Practiced a few songs, after which the instructors came done.
Practiced on our own since the instructor was teaching another instrument.
First three secondary ones to join CO even though the orientation have not started yet.

My father scolded me since I was late.
Appears he was in a bad mood that day.
Had some arguments with some shop person.
Oh well he won I guess, so they are now discussing some other stuff.
Its hard for me to explain the conversation in a few sentences.

Reached home at about 9 plus, leaving me so little time to my homework.
Luckily there was only Chinese homework due tomorrow.
I guess the rest have got to wait.
Anyway, the next few days shall be pretty hectic, as CNY is coming around the corner.
Shall be staying back much longer and more days since we have so little time left to SYF and we still have to prepare the songs to be played on CNY.Its getting later by the minute now so I believe I shall stop here.

7:19 PM, Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today sure was quite a busy day.
I blundered on the dates, though I’m quite sure I heard correctly.
I thought that the deadline for the Chinese New Year decoration is by this Friday.
Turns out it is on next Wednesday.
Wow, I sure messed up this time.
Anyway, quite a number of people stayed back to help with the decoration.
Such as Justin, Jonathan hoong, Jonah, Elliot, Russell, Jeremy, Ren da, Siddarth, Mikail, Hadi and Joel.
I must really thank you guys for helping, oh and Mrs Lim too.
Though we didn’t managed to put up everything by today but it sure was a great effort.
Anyway, there isn’t much left to do, only the making of the firecracker, some sticking of the rest of the decoration and that should be all.
Come to think of it, most of our stuff are all D.I.Y items.
Anyway, days like this sure do bond the class together in my opinion, or at least those that were present.
Photos were taken but sadly, I can’t upload them.
Well, they can be acquired at the main class blog, but I will still try to post them up.

We calculated our B.M.I today too.
Luckily, I fall under the healthy range.
That sure was a relief.

Anyway, this should be all for today I guess, considering the fact that I still have homework to be done and research too.
Bye till next time.

4:05 PM, Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Today was great!
Besides the fact that I studied the wrong stuff for my science test.
Assembly time was hilarious
Since practically almost everybody knew the secondary four got their results yesterday,
And since everybody knew they did well, one thing can be seen in everybody’s mind
Second time I have seen so many people become so enthusiastic when Mr Low walked past the raised platform at the parade square

Everybody clapped when Mr Low walked past the platform; he looked so shock because everybody thought he was going up onto the stage. The face on everyone who clapped was hilarious when they found out that Mr Low wasn’t going up onstage.

Eventually he did, and the sound of clapping that can be heard was like two to three times louder than usual!
Mr Low agreed too, his first sentence was “ If only I can get this reception everyday”
Everyone laughed.
Well I shouldn’t make this so long so I go straight to the point….
We got a FULL day!
One more extra day for Chinese New Year!
Well the rest of the day sped right past probably because I suppose everyone was in high spirits.
Plus, instead of being dismissed today at 2.15, we were dismissed at 1.05!
Everyone seemed so thrilled.
Anyway, tomorrow will be quite a long day for me since the Chinese new year decoration have to be up and ready by Friday, tomorrow is the only spare day so we better hurry up I guess.
Luckily I managed to “get” a few friends to help out.
Well, what are friends for?

7:56 PM, Monday, January 12, 2009

Had Chinese orchestra practice today.
Practiced our Singapore youth festival piece
Anyway, the secondary four’s of 2008 got their ‘O’ level results today.
I believe they all got a pretty good score.
Vincent came back today since he was collecting his results also to take a look at our Chinese orchestra practice.
I can only say that I want to congratulate Vincent on getting a total of 7 points!
Well, hopefully we will get a half-day tomorrow too… just like we did the year before

Anyway, a few others and me had to go to the IT room for some talk by Mr Siow
At first it seemed boring but I was wrong as at almost every single sentence contains a joke.
Laughter can be heard from almost everyone, a total opposite of the usual boring talks that I have ever been through.
Well, the talk cut into our recess time so I didn’t have my recess after all.
Oh well, some money to save anyway

Well, now back to Chinese orchestra practice.
It ended at about 6, so since my dad was already waiting for me, I had to miss the de-brief
In my hurry, I found out that I took the wrong instrument.
It was too late since I was already in my dad’s car, halfway from home.
Made a phone call to Russell and apologize.

Ok, I guess I should stop here since I still have to prepare for the two tests tomorrow.
Who knows, if there is a half-day after all, both test will be cancelled.
I better prepare anyway.

4:50 PM, Saturday, January 10, 2009

I am very, very frustrated right now at this moment.
I do not get the logic.
What is the point of buying me clothes that I do not like?
I don’t care about how high the price is, or how nice you think it looks on me.
If I do not like it, even if you buy it for me, I will not wear it.
It will just stay in my cupboard till it gets too small then it either gets given away or thrown away.
Brand new too
So what is the point of buying it?
Why not save that money and use it to buy something else that is needed?
I know most people would just say, “just wear it, so what?”
But if you are the one in this situation, will you wear it?
Since there is a choice in whether you want to buy it or not, just don’t
Save the money for something that is much more important

Anyway I just reached home after my Chinese tuition
My sister bought some fries on the way home
I should have just gone home alone
Because she wanted to climb the stairs again
What could I say?
She practically dragged me up with her.
So fourteen flights of stairs I had to climb
Well, that would be exercise so I guess it’s not that bad

I couldn't be madder when I reached home.
The first thing I saw went I reached home was my maid feeding my dog scrap meat
And that was not the first time
The reason why I am angry because of that? That is because every time my dog eat food asides from his own dog food, raw vegetables or fruits, the rate of his fur dropping will be much faster.
Its normal for dogs to shed their fur, but ever since either me or my family started catching my maid or my grandmother feeding my dog, his fur starts to drop much faster.
Much, much faster
Before I could stop her, he already finished the food
And the answer when I asked my maid why is she feeding the dog again?
You will never guess the answer.
It was “ No I did not, I just letting him smell my hand only”
When I heard that answer, I can’t be bothered to question her further.
What do you expect me to say?
I guess I should just leave this matter to my parents to handle.
And Nicholas just played a joke on me.

7:57 PM, Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ok, this is the official first post of this blog
not much have been added asides from the skin and music

anyway, I have just reached home from school
I know its kind of late but because of Chinese orchestra practice and the usual long waiting time for bus plus i live so far away, its already kind of common for me.
anyway nothing really interesting happened at school today.
just got to make a personal note to remind myself to clear the pile of cardboard stacked at the back of the class.
for those who do not know, those are supposed to be used as a design to design the class cupboard.
well it has already caused trouble even though it has been less than a day since it was there.
i heard from the class that quite a number of people have fell because of it.
i hope you guys are ok especially nikhil who i heard from onlookers that he fell head down on to the floor.
it must have hurt but as said from the onlookers, he seemed ok.

anyway after school went for lunch break.
reached the Chinese orchestra room just in time.
appears I was right that it was INDEED the CCA trials today
well, because of that the rest of the Chinese orchestra members had to practice outside
since the Sec ones will be trying out and viewing the instruments.
there was quite a big bunch of them.
well, it was quite noisy but we still managed to practice
just found out that I have forgotten quite a number of fingerings for the music I am suppose to play
I guess it is time to start brushing up and practice more...if I can find the time that is.
well, our practice ended late, and we got the privilege to "play" with the instruments
jeremy went..could i say crazy? with the instruments
it was hilarious and fun at the same time as we slam the gong and played random tunes

well, it was getting late so we left the room and made our way home.
jonah and jeremy went the other way, leaving me alone
oh well... waited for the bus.
board the bus, changed at mrt then lrt...
nothing much to it but just want to make a quick say about something I realised
though there are more people being considerate in buses and trains by giving up their seats to other who needs it more, there are also quite a large number of inconsiderate people too
I saw quite a number of both types of people today, especially since it was peak hour when I boarded
I don't think I should list all out but I just want to list ONE out
In the bus, even though it was crammed pack with some old people standing as well, there was this particular school girl that caught my eye.
though there is just one of her, she was occupying three of the seats
possible? yes... on one of the seat she placed her bag, on the other she was leaning across, as if it was her sofa or something.
the worse part of all, there was a aged woman, approximately 60~70 years old standing in front of her, carrying a few bags of groceries
what could the people around her including me say? though most of us stared at her, she didn't seem to get our hint
eventually one woman got the courage and told her to remove her bag to let that elderly sit
she sat up straight, but instead of putting the bag on her lap, she pushed it to the seat closer to her, occupying 2 of the seats.
well, at least that granny managed to take a seat, which was fortunate because at the stop I was alighting, the bus suddenly braked, causing almost everyone standing in the bus to be jerked forward.
it sure was lucky that granny was sitting down else who knows what might have happened.

I guess I should stop at this point as I still have homework due tomorrow to be done.
Thats all for today
Bye all until next time